Your network is down, and you've had your IT tech team working hard on getting it back up for hours to no avail. Instead of calling a technician out and waiting even longer to get your network up and running, our DTSRMM (DTS Remote Monitoring & Management) service connects us to you and provides a seamless, secure, maintenance experience to have the problem fixed with ease and speed. The fact that all of your hardware is being monitored 24 x 7, alerts us of a potential problem, thus allowing us to resolve the issue before it becomes a more serious problem.
When you bring DeMott Technical Solutions' IT services on board your company's team, you bring the following, too:
- Extensive Services – We can help you with every service, from remote viral protection to server and desktop support, to network/infrastructure implementation and integration.
- Affordable fees – Flat monthly fee, no surprises, includes unlimited remote and onsite support.
- More free capital– We fix all of your issues without you having to hire someone dedicated to what we do for you. We can be your complete IT department.
With DeMott Technical Solutions, your business can grow with ease when you sign up with DTSRMM services in Louisville – call today for more information on how we can help you.